Lucy Hale Quotes


  • "People are going to say things, people are going to spread false facts, people are going to let you down, people are going to hurt you, people are going to cheat, people are going to lie, people are going to have regrets, people are going to have to deal with consequences, people are going to hit rock bottom, people are going to be destructive…but in the end we are all people. For the most part, we all inherently have a good heart and want to turn our wrongs into rights. So we should all just cut each other a little slack. You never know what someone is going through or why they made the choices they did. Smile at someone, forgive a little more, show some patience, use only kind words because those are the things that can truly make a difference. Live your life for you, but the only real happiness you can get is by lifting others up. I love this saying…”If it makes you happy, do it. If it doesn’t, don’t”. ~Lucy Hale
  • “There is nothing else that I would rather do than sing. I have such a great passion for it. Even if I don’t become successful or famous I am still going to continue singing.” 
  • "Tomorrow is a monumental day for me. First day of recording my 1st album. This is CRAZY! Something I've wanted so long."
  • "Hey ya'll! I'm Paula Deen!" 
  • "Minin's a baby!"
  • "This is heavy on my heart tonight. Go to bed loving who you are. You are perfectly crafted!"
  • "Joseph Gordon-Levitt, he's adorable" - When asked who her celebrity crush was 
  • "It's fun to pretend you're a little kid, you get to use your imagination and live in a world that's not real."
  • "I just love the thrill of performing on stage. I believe singing is something that I was put here to do."